As we wrote in What Is Digital Marketing? digital marketing uses strategy, planning, and a keen understanding of your market to create targeted digital media that drive awareness and education for your brand, product/services, and ultimately sales. Nowadays, most businesses engage in digital marketing. Indeed, Global Industry Analysts Inc. (GIA) predicts the worldwide digital advertising and marketing market will reach $786.2 billion by 2026. As a result, we have seen an influx of online marketing platforms and tools develop to assist businesses with their digital and online marketing.
The terms digital marketing, internet marketing, and online marketing are, to a large extent, interchangeable. Technically, digital marketing refers to any marketing on electronic devices, with online marketing and internet marketing (which are by definition digital) focusing solely on content delivered via the internet. However, many of the tools and platforms available to assist marketers will help with all these types of marketing. In reality, they assist multiple types of modern marketing, including:
- Social media marketing
- Influencer marketing
- Email marketing
- Content marketing
- Search engine optimization (SEO) marketing
- Pay-per-click (PPC)
- Affiliate marketing
- Mobile marketing
With so much variety in digital and marketing, we have selected a variety of online marketing platforms covering a range of these marketing types.
Top Online Marketing Platforms to Improve Your Digital Marketing: