Jeevani Devage Joins Associa British Columbia As Business Development Manager

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SURREY, British Columbia, Dec. 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Associa British Columbia (ABC), a leading provider of community management services throughout the greater Vancouver Metro, Kelowna, Surrey, Lower Mainland, and Fraser Valley regions, is pleased to announce that Jeevani Devage has accepted the position of Business Development Manager. In her new role, Devage will work with branch leadership and fellow team members to create business plans that generate increased revenue and brand loyalty while improving customer satisfaction. She will also identify and develop new and existing referral sources to achieve specified revenue goals.

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Devage most recently served with ABC as a community manager assistant. She has experience working with some of the world’s most recognized brands – including Coca-Cola and Proctor & Gamble – in all facets of marketing, advertising, branding, sales and strata community management. She previously spent 14 years as an award-winning marketing and branding executive with a series of companies throughout Sri Lanka and Canada. Devage holds a Bachelor’s (Honors) in Advertising from the University of West London and an MBA from the University of Canada West.

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“Jeevani is a highly successful marketing and sales executive who has worked with some of the world’s top brands, said Associa regional sales director Erica Slater, CMCA®. “With her strong customer service, marketing and sales background she is an incredible asset to our business development initiatives and we are excited to welcome her to the team.”

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About Associa

With more than 225 branch offices across North America, Associa is building the future of community for nearly five million residents worldwide. Our 11,000+ team members lead the industry with unrivaled education, expertise, and trailblazing innovation. For more than 43 years, Associa has brought positive impact and meaningful value to communities. To learn more, visit

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