BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund – Province of British Columbia

The BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund (MJF) will help manufacturing companies modernize, innovate, and grow by providing funding for capital projects in all regions in B.C., particularly in communities affected by economic impacts or downturns. 

The program welcomes applications from all manufacturing sectors. There will be a particular focus on helping the forestry sector retrofit and develop new, sustainable value-added business lines that reduce dependency on old growth logging and make innovative use of biomaterials.

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BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund – Province of British Columbia

Program Overview

This program reflects the Province’s ongoing commitment to promote economic diversification and complements other supports for forestry workers and rural communities. 

MJF will invest up to $180 million in manufacturing projects throughout B.C.

The program will begin accepting proposals on February 28, 2023 and will remain open to proposals for approximately two years, or until all funds are allocated. 

Program Goals:

  • Invest in high-value, high-growth manufacturing sectors
  • Contribute to clean, inclusive growth and economic resilience and diversification, particularly in regional and Indigenous communities  
  • Support innovation and sustainability in the forestry value-added sector
  • Create and maintain long-term well-paying jobs
  • Help companies leverage other funding sources and bring investment into B.C. 
  • Boost productivity, strengthen supply chains and drive competitiveness in domestic and international markets

The Program Guide provides additional information about the program and application process. 


Applicant Eligibility

Eligible applicants include:

  • Businesses 
  • For-profit organizations
  • Entities with for-profit manufacturing operations, including First Nations and Indigenous- and First Nation-owned enterprises

two manufacturing workers

First Nations and Indigenous-owned enterprises that are preparing to fully acquire or buy into an established manufacturing operation may be eligible to receive funding. Please contact us to discuss. 


Applicant eligibility requirements

  • Registered to do business in B.C. 
  • Operate in the manufacturing sector; i.e., create products using industrial or mass production processes
  • Have established operations (at the proposed project location or elsewhere)
  • Have an established employee base 
  • Be in a viable financial position, for example:  
    • Not in foreclosure or for sale
    • A business plan and financial records that show current or projected growth, profits, and/or ability to pay off short-term debts

Project Eligibility

Eligible capital projects must:

  • Be located in B.C.
  • Contribute to long-term regional economic growth, sustainability and/or diversity
  • Be financially viable and leverage market demand 
  • Create, maintain or diversify job opportunities for local workers 
  • Have a high degree of readiness and bring direct benefits to communities 
  • Demonstrate alignment with program goals 

Eligible project costs are those essential to project delivery, including:

  • Capital expenditures including equipment, machinery, technology, and construction materials
  • Wage or contract costs for net new and project-specific labour
  • Material transportation costs
  • Installation and implementation costs

See the Program Guide for more information about eligible and ineligible costs. 

manufacturing workers

Program Streams

MJF has two funding streams: Project Readiness and Capital Investment. The streams support different stages of planning and launching capital projects. 

Stream 1 – Project Readiness

Funding to complete final-stage business and project planning, including operational and technical assessments.

Funding Amount

  • Maximum: $50,000
  • Up to 50% of total eligible project costs


  • Develop a business case to expand operations or diversify product lines
  • Conduct an operational or technical assessment to improve processes or introduce new technology 

Early research, concept development and scoping are not eligible activities. 

Stream 2 – Capital Investment

Funding to invest in new or renovated manufacturing infrastructure, technology, equipment, and processes, including renovating idle industrial buildings such as an unused mill site. 

Funding Amount

  • Minimum: $100,000
  • Maximum: $10,000,000 
  • Total eligible project costs should be approximately $500,000 up to $100 million
  • Up to 20% of total eligible project costs

Funding Details

  • Projects should be initiated within one year 
  • Funding will be paid out in installments based on milestones achieved
  • Applicants will be asked to submit project documentation that outlines the project budget, other potential and secured funding sources, and demonstrates project viability


  • Build or expand a manufacturing facility
  • Upgrade equipment or machinery to support new product lines
  • Adopt innovative processes to manufacture value-added forestry products from biomass or other alternatives
  • Retrofit a processing facility to expand or adopt new technology and processes
  • Improve processes for fabrication

How To Apply

Step 1: Project Proposal

The initial proposal process requests high-level information about your business and project.

To complete a proposal, you will need to log in with a Business BCeID.

  • See the Program Guide for detailed instructions on how to get a Business BCeID if you don’t already have one.
  • This may take a few business days to complete.

Submit an online proposal form for the stream you area applying for. The form will take approximately 30-60 minutes to complete. The online Project Proposal form is accessed by signing on with your Business BCeID using these links:

Stream 1 – Planning Proposal Form

Stream 2 – Capital Investment Proposal Form

We strongly recommend preparing your responses in a document offline before copying them into the form and submitting. Please also ensure you save the online form often (every 10-15 minutes). 

You can save your progress and return to it at any time, or review the form structure prior to beginning the process to get an idea of what to expect. You will also be able to view your proposal after you have submitted it, and you can submit multiple proposals. 

Program staff will review your proposal and contact you within four weeks about next steps. Please contact us if you require a PDF version of the proposal form, which you can use to prepare your answers offline and work collaboratively with others on your submission prior to submitting online. 

Step 2: Detailed Application

Applicants who are selected to move on to Step 2 will receive a link to a detailed application form, where they will be asked to submit additional information and documentation such as business financials and project plans.

Applications will be assessed for alignment with program goals, economic impact, and project viability. 

Step 3: Funding Decision

Throughout the continuous intake, project applications that pass the assessment process and due diligence will be grouped together in batches and reviewed for funding decision. 

The following criteria will be used to prioritize projects for funding:

  • Projects within the forestry sector
  • Projects located in rural, remote or forestry-dependent communities
  • Projects that have a high degree of readiness, need and direct impact
  • Projects that are Indigenous-led or benefit Indigenous Peoples

Projects may be carried forward for future consideration if they are not funded at the time of initial review. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A list of frequently asked questions about the program, application process and eligibility will be regularly updated on this page. 

Funding Recipients

BC landscape